Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Flying Dog - Snake Dog IPA

Flying Dog Brewery
Snake Dog India Pale Ale
Maryland, USA
approx $7 per stubbie

Now you've probably guessed that I'm a huge fan of the IPA style. I just love that mean hoppiness and really rich fruity mouth feel.

This beer doesn't disappoint, it's a little milder on the hop bite but that works extremely well. It's chock full of fruit cake spice with a really long lasting taste. I'm sure I could still taste this the next day.

I really like the quirky packaging on these beers, not many people do, I suppose it's a bit garish. And I don't know about putting the token Hunter S Thompson quote on the bottle just because you're using David Steadman pics on the labels.
Whether you like the label or not these are all great beers.

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